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«‎Dakh»(“Roof”)- is a charity photo-project aimed to support the elderly people of Chernigiv, who lost their homes during bombardments in February-March, 2022.

The war in Ukraine, caused by russian aggression, continues and keeps harvesting tragic events. Everyday Ukrainian defenders and civilians are killed, more and more Ukrainian children lose their parents, elderly people lose their homes. The war destroys our cities and villages.

When you live in Europe under the peaceful sky, its hard to believe that proud, free-loving people are being so mercilessly destroyed and a big European country is methodically turned into ruins.


The history of Ukraine has always been a history of fight for independence, but brave and strong Ukrainian people now, in the 21st century, are forced to defend their freedom paying such a high price. So today it is very important to say that Ukraine is fighting not only for its independence, its fighting for European values and human values of the whole civilised world in general.

People who suffer the most at this terrible war are civilians, children and elderly, who demand our help and attention the most.

Our photo-project is reflexive material, which is both a way of fighting russia on the artistic battle-field, and a way of helping unprotected groups of the society, those who suffered from military aggression.


«Dakh» (The Roof) - is a project about enormous pain, terror and grief, which every Ukrainian has experienced since February, 24. Its a project which depicts the destructions of war in Ukraine, documents them and is aimed to find help to support people in the darkest times.


«Dakh»(“Roof”) is a charity photo exhibition, which was created to demonstrate the civilised world the feelings of the Ukrainians and to cover the urgent needs of elderly people, who have lost the roofs over their heads and their belongings in Chernigiv.

Unfortunately, the needs of elderly people who lost their homes, are extremely urgent. So the goal of our charity exhibition is to create a wider space for reflection and raise money for the financial support of all the heroes of the project, to help them improve their living conditions, rebuild their homes, buy household objects and appliances, depending on the needs of a family.


The works of four Chernigiv photographers, who have been documenting the tragic events in the city since the first days of war, were used in the exhibition.

The exhibition consists of two symbolic parts: The chronicles of the eventsare the photos of the first days of war and people who were hiding in bomb-shelters during shellings and were the witnesses of shocking events. And the second part - The victims- 22 frank stories of elderly people, who tell their personal tragedy and show the scale of damage to their homes and lives.

According to the mayor of Chernigiv the amount of money needed to rebuild destroyed or damaged accommodation is about 500 million euros, as about 10 000 apartments and 635 private houses were destroyed. 35% of them belonged to elderly people.


Such dreadful figures cant leave the civilised society indifferent, so we will be forever grateful to everyone, who supports the project Dakh”, for the hope for brighter future we give to those who need it the most.



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Our goal is to raise funds for at least 10 modular houses for the affected families of the elderly (the cost of one is about 8,000 euros)

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